
Affordable Apartments
for 99 years


New 1, 2 and 3
Bedroom Units


Acres of Publicly Accessible
Open Space


Carbon Neutral

An affordable and climate resilient future for Salem

A rescue mission to replace the obsolete Leefort Terrace with a newly imagined affordable, regenerative, and climate resilient development that works in harmony with natural and social systems.


Design, Environment, Resiliency

Climate protection and land use.


History and Story

Salem Neck and social support.


The values this project must maintain.

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Community Process

Cooperative planning and design.

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Leefort Residents

Supporting all current and future residents.

Resident and relocation services tailor made for the needs of all current and future Leefort Terrace residents.

Common Questions

When is construction estimated to be completed?

The construction of Leefort Terrace is estimated to be completed in Spring 2026. Additionally, we anticipate that the lease-up process will begin in early 2026. We're working diligently to ensure the project stays on track and meets this timeline. We are excited to bring this vibrant new community to life and appreciate your patience as we work towards this completion date.

Why is Leefort Terrace being redeveloped?

Leefort Terrace is a State Public Housing development for elderly and disabled households adjacent to Collins Cove in Salem, MA.  Built in 1958, the 3.1 acre development is comprised of 50 1-bedroom units clustered in 7 one-story garden apartment style buildings, plus a building consisting of a small community room.Massachusetts stands out in that it has developed and funds State Public Housing. However, overtime the operating subsidy available has not kept up with current operating and maintenance cost.The Salem Housing Authority (SHA) receives approximately $420/unit/month in rent including utility costs. Residents pay 30% of their income towards rent and the State pays the difference, up to $420/month. This incredibly low rental income makes it very difficult for SHA to cover all the capital needs of the development.No significant modernization has been possible since it was built in 1958. As a result, the units and buildings are in poor condition and have nearly reached the end of their useful life. Without any action, these units could become uninhabitable, displacing the Leefort Terrace residents.Built to standards more than six decades out of date and located in a floodplain that does not allow residential housing units on the ground floor, redevelopment of Leefort Terrace is the only option.

What work has gone on related to the redevelopment of Leefort Terrace and what are the next steps?

The Salem Housing Authority and Beacon Communities have pulled together a creative and inventive design and engineering team to collect initial information about the condition and constraints of the Leefort Terrace site. Working with Regenesis Group and the design team, SHA and Beacon have been undertaking a collaborative approach to planning and implementing the replacement of the obsolete Leefort apartments and creation of a newly imagined Leefort Terrace in a way that harmonizes our mission with the aspirations of residents and Salem as a whole to create a development process and ultimately a development with positive impact.Various stakeholders have shared their perspectives with us on what makes Salem unique and what might be missing. Through this regenerative and iterative process has evolved a development that is set to harmonize with the community and natural systems while also serving as a catalyst and inspiration upon which other groups and individuals can build. The Chapter 40B Comprehensive Permit was approved for Leefort Terrace by the Salem Zoning Board of Appeals in October 2022, the Salem Conservation Commission has completed its review of the project and has granted approval in November 2022, and the City Council has approved the Urban Center Housing Tax-Increment Financing (UCH-TIF) Agreement in January 2023. The development team is now working to finish assembling the financing and work with residents on a plan for temporary relocation. We are targeting November/December 2023 to begin construction.

See all frequently asked questions

Community testimonials

"This project is THE MOST resilient project proposed in Salem, period."

Flora Tonthat

Salem Resident

"The more physically joined together this project feels, the better it will create that sense of community and bring in everyone from the edges."

Amy VanDoren

Salem Resident

"It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen."

Shannon Bailey

Leefort Tenant